Tuesday, December 28, 2010

HomeSense - some great finds for the Canadian chocolate lover

Since I live in a rural area, I rely on the Internet and occasional travel to buy fine chocolate. The closest city, Sudbury, Ontario, does not offer a huge variety of gourmet and fine chocolate, but good quality chocolate can be found when on the lookout for it.  I went shopping at HomeSense yesterday in New Sudbury and spent an hour seaching through their gourmet food section and came out with a basket full of chocolate that will significantly add to my tasting bin (yes, it may sound crazy but I do have a large bin to just to store chocolate for tasting).

Included in my finds were E. Guittard bittersweet (72%) dark chocolate and their 38% milk chocolate for baking and eating, as well as all-natural chocolate chips, some "Truffle Pigs" by a Canadian company, champagne-flavoured chocolate and a whole lot more. I can't wait to sink my teeth into some of these chocolates in the coming weeks.  I'm out of time for a tasting this morning, but stay tuned in the coming weeks for a review of these great products and more!

Have a great day!


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